
18 December 2009

finally gt the mood to update
been super lazy this few days but oh well!
went to marina barrage on wed
met yunyi wanqian xinying and carmen at lot 1 in the morning
was super tired!
dunnoe why...
they had breakfast while i watched
den went to buy the stuff
later went bk to my hse, played monopoly, lunch-ed n prepared the food
shiying called while they are still in my hse
said she was gonna be late so we came up with excuses so that she could meet us
den me xinying carmen went off to meet her while yunyi n wanqian went to lot1 to take the cookie
cos i was onli carrying the mat at that time so sy sae me lazy nvr prepare stuff ):
den we headed down to marina barrage
reached there, it was raining
but we refused to budge
we held the umbrella and waited for yy n wq to come
finally they came and the mat was already flooded
so we decided to 'abandon mat'
reached the shelter and ate the stuff we prepared
sy opened the cookie we bought
it look so so niceeeeeeee!
and it smells so good too(:
den we took alot alot of pictures(:
we did jump shot n i dunnoe why i cant seem to do that ><
world's hardest stunt!
den we did the many hands thing which was HILARIOUS!
it started to become dark so we went home
talked abt future outing in the train
december is already ending ):
soon we'll get our o lvl results!
worried n scared though..
keep on dreaming abt my score!

woke up early to meet huixin to take my cards bk
gng to chalet on sunday so i need to get them bk
saw xiao qian n jia yi
reached home slacked and...
did nth i guess
everyone's working ):
den afternoon went to make my brother's spects
went to aunt hse n now at home...
nth to do and im here,
wishing time to pass by faster
but on the other hand, for what?

what we could have been, 4:21 PM.
12 December 2009

Stayed home the entire day.
super super super sien!
ohh well~
used the com, slacked n i slept in the afternoon
i havent manage to sleep in the afternoon since god knows when
too sien le ):
at night watched some show, play n slept
argh i need to find smth to do~

went out for movie
guess what
i watched new moon agan!
mum's treat
brought mei n ming there
saw yy, she is STILL working!
work until throat nt well
she super larh!
but at least she gt smth to do..
oh well~
after movie went to neighbours hse
the dog came again
he super shy
when we went into the hse
he immediately hide under the table
played with my neighbour niece
she really difficult to handle
when want put her down she cry cry cry
but my neighbour ask 'gt tears not'
realised her face was dry so she just tricked me larh!
that baby is scary..
afternoon went for jog
at night slack again!
really wish will pass more quickly

what we could have been, 2:38 PM.
10 December 2009

Today woke up early again!
this holiday i cant seem to sleep past 10hrs
so washed up had breakfast n went down to mark worksheets
heng p2 ytd mark finish today need to mark p4 n6
their hmk some anyhow do den classwork go through le still can write wrong
veri sien diao larh!
but den veri fun
finished marking already, went to play with the childcare kids
they were talking abt dunnoe wad thing larh and they started building a tower made up of pillows
den they aim each other with the pillows
in the end we 3 ended up in a pillow fight
hee! super funny!
den the auntie came bk with their lunch n i marked corrections
jiaqian brought her fried rice n ate with them
ard 1+ finished marking le so headed home first to have lunch
meet sy at bg mrt there
it was raining super super heavily so decided to go to imm first
we had hokkaido ice cream
quite nice larh den we walked ard imm
imm nth to c one lei...
ard 2+ we went to the library
we found 2 picture books den keep on looking at the pictures
100 worlds most beautiful places!
den found other books and went up to 4th floor and read
found more books n left ard 5++
reached home at 6 den used the com
was locked up in the room at night cos someone came over to check out the sound system dad's selling
read my books till 1am++ n fell straight to sleep *thankfully*

what we could have been, 10:41 AM.
08 December 2009

went out to jp
watched mulan
surprisingly it was nice
went home quite early
parents not back yet so alone at home till 10++

Woke up super early to see the bride putting on make up
wedding is so so mafan...
spent the rest if the day sleeping
woke up had dinner n watched tv
today veri sien ):

Woke up early again!
went of to work
finally smth to do(:
today jiaqian turn to teach so i arranged the worksheets
spent the enitre morning arranging, stapling n printing worksheets
den lunch break headed off to lot 1
meet with shiying shuhui m carmen to watch new moon
they were at kfc, chatting
den err...
we slowly do out stuffs n headed to the cinema
we thought we were late but den we were real early
carmen bought popcorn n we headed in
the movie was nice too(:
alot of ppl sae veri boring n worse den twilight
but find it quite nice(:
we 4 watch veri funny
guess the production team think spent too much money on white foundation le
all the lapush lyk no shirt wear one
after movie went library with sy whilr c n shuhui went jp
i also wan go but sadly, i have to work
saw yy working at the roadshow, selling camera
lyk no one one...
went bk to work
6.30 dock off
reached home slacked, watched tv n slept
real real tired

today work again!
my turn to teach
today's the second time me teaching the class so they were more open
primary 2 quite ok lei!
den lunch break mark all the p2 worksheet
all the class work n the hmk
now i noe how the teachers feel when they mark our wk
n y they can vomit blood!
seriously arh!
their unreadable
handwriting arh!
den all the things i sae before still can wrong
really arh!
den played with the childcare children
taught p4 n p6 later...
p6 learn algebra...
abit hard to teach so keep on using apples n banana n pear
docked off at 6.30 agn
after class me gt headache
had dinner, watched tv now using com
tml gng out with sy!
cant wait for tml(:

what we could have been, 9:19 PM.
04 December 2009

Posting at wanqian's hse
they all playing mahjong no interest at all
Ytd nite din really sleep well
so heard real funny sounds at night
ehh woke up quite early in the morning, washed up n had breakfast
Sis was watching the proposal...
got ready n headed off to plaza to meet them
they were choosing the movies to watch
settled for 'where got ghost' , 'haeundae' and 'up'
after that went to wanqian's
cooked spaghetti...
yy ben xiao jie sit at sofa while me n wq cook in the kitchen
qinyi n huixin cooked eggs
not bad lei(:
later on movie time!
watched haeundae first
initially was quite boring but after the tsunami came
super super exciting!
the poor lifeguard scarified his life to save another rich guy
damn stupid larh, he's not worth dying for
den another guy in the movie who din die really should die arh!
super heng larh that guy
dodge all the cargo boxes!
after the movie they decided to play mahjong
so here i am
nth to do so keep playing songs(:
later gng out for dinner!

what we could have been, 4:31 PM.
03 December 2009

Decided to reopen my blog cos i gt nth to do anything at homeeeeeeeeeeeee!
okay woke up bright and early even though i slept at 2am ytd
freaking tired must still managed to pull myself out of bed
today gonna go grandma hse to see my lil cousin
she super super cute ><
had breakfast and headed out
Reached grandma's ard 10++
played with EnEn.
she super cute!
Cos she baby mah den when she said 'grandpa' id sounded lyk 'LumdPA'
everyone laughed until~
Carried her n played baby power
for an hour straight she thought she was a cat and keep on mieowing away!
left ard 2+n headed home
At home super sien...
but tml going to wanqian hse watch movie!
finally gng out with them
the previous time they went to k i din go ):
oh well~
gonna make it up on friday(:
bbye !

what we could have been, 2:45 PM.


sweet sixteen
b'dae on April's fools
A wsss graduate and a currently in ajc


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.